February 18, 2021 Weekly Principal’s Memo

Please take note of the following important information…

  • Friday, February 19
    • 100’s Day Activities (K, Gr. 1 & Gr. 2)
  • Friday, February 19 – Tuesday, February 23
    • Pub Night Virtual Auction & Variety Show
      • A memo will go out tomorrow with a link to the virtual variety show and virtual silent auction. Please note that the auction will begin and be made available to you from 8:00pm on Friday, February 19th to 8:00pm on Monday, February 22nd.
      • A very special thank you to our organizing committee Mrs. A. Chirico, Mrs. M. Maierle, Mrs. R. Peric, Mrs. V. Gal, Mrs. J. Cikes, and all of the parent volunteers who worked so hard in an effort to make this event possible.
  • Monday, February 22
    • Grade 2 Friendship Pie Making
  • Tuesday, February 23
    • Last day for purchase of raffle tickets sent home on February 9th.
  • Wednesday, February 24
    • Pink Day in Support of Anti-Bullying
      • Students are welcome to come in school in pink clothing items
      • No money collection or Student Council lucky prize draw
    • Hot Lunch (Pizza)
    • Pub Night Raffle Ticket Draw
  • Thursday, February 25
    • Grade 2 Sacrament of Reconciliation
  • Wednesday, March 10
    • AGM & Registration Packages go out
      • Format to be announced
      • Deadline for registration packages to be returned will be March 12th & 13th (times to be announced)
Other Information
*A kind reminder to all of our families (particularly on days of good weather) that our students should be picked up and brought to the cars as soon as possible in an effort to ensure minimal social gathering and proper social distancing at pick-up times. We are kindly requesting that parents wear their masks in the pick-up area after-school. A very special thank you to those parents who are already doing so.

*Our sincere gratitude goes out to our families at Holy Cross School for continuing to follow the protocols laid out in our 2020 Health & Safety Plan. We continue to advise families of our school community to err on the side of caution when deciding to send your children to school. We strongly recommend you keep your child at home if they are sick or if they present any symptoms listed on the COVID-19 checklist. Kindly note that Holy Cross School must adhere to strict guidelines from Fraser Health and the Provincial Health Authority in regards to any COVID-19 related issues (re. notifications for exposures, isolations, clearance to return to school, privacy matters, etc…). In light of the latest press conference held by Dr. Bonnie Henry, we are very pleased with how well our school has been able to conform with the guidelines as laid out in the BCCDC Health & Safety Checklist. We have gone through the lengthy documentation and have made some minor adjustments in our school’s Health & Safety Plan. I continue to commend our school community for their responsible cooperation with our Health & Safety Guidelines and I strongly urge our parents to continue with their diligence in this area. As a group, I believe we can continue to manage COVID-19 issues at the school level, but it is critical as our Provincial Health Officer regularly mentions that these guidelines are followed outside of the school as well. Thus far, your discretion and judgement has been outstanding and it has helped to maintain a safe school environment for all of us.A very sincere thank you for your kindness, generosity, and cooperation,

Mr. Dino Alberti
