
Titans After-School Care (TAC)

The Titan’s After-school Care Program (TAC) is open to all Holy Cross families. TAC runs each day school is in session from 3:00 p.m. to 5:15 p.m. with the exception of early dismissal days. The cost is $15/day per child. Please note that a $10 late fee will be applied if you are late picking up your child(ren).

Important Information

  • Registration Opens: 3rd Friday of Every Month (ex. October 18, 2024)
  • Registration Closes: 4th Friday of Every Month – 3PM (ex. October 25, 2024)
  • Payment Deadline: 1st Friday of Every Month/5th Friday of the Month if applicable (ex. November 1, 2024)
    • Payment: You may now select to pay via cheque or EFT. Kindly note that in order to use EFT as a payment method, you must have already submitted an EFT Authorization Form to the office. This form can be found on our website under the Parent Info heading.

Emergency Form

Prior to your child starting their first day at TAC, an emergency form must be completed. For the 2024/25 school year, please be sure that your child brings this completed form on the first day of school even if they had attended TAC last school year. Please complete this form and have your child submit it to the school office or TAC staff.

You can download the emergency form by clicking here.

Absence & Extra-curricular

If your child will be absent on a date that they are scheduled for TAC, please notify us by email (preferably) or by contacting the school office.

Please also notify us if your child has a sporting activity or other extra curricular activity and if they will
a) not be present at TAC at all or
b) they will return to TAC after the sporting activity or extra curricular activity ends.

To register your child for TAC, please follow the link in the section below and submit one form per child. If you have any inquiries, please email Mrs. Anna Auld (TAC Coordinator) at tac@hcschool.ca


Register for October 2024

Registration Opened: September 23
Registration Deadline: September 27 at 3:00pm SHARP 
Payment Deadline: October 4